In our modern society for all professional work, we use emails. Email has all personal details, therefore, we should choose such email service which is secure and safe to use. There are many email service providers, which services are trustworthy. AOL is one of those email service providers. Our services are not only reliable but also have wonderful features for all users. AOL email address can create free of cost. Create your email address and use it. Either you get a problem during sign in our technical team will help you. Just dial the AOL customer service for free and share your problem. AOL email allows one user to create 10 mail address. Just because of our trustful relation we have millions of users. Each and every user get updates features on their email. Here let’s discuss our top features.
Features of AOL email:
- Users can save all emails: AOL email users have the freedom to save their all emails because AOL provides unlimited email storage capacity.
- Users can create their customized sign: AOL emails has a feature to create a customized sign which may be simple or add images, links.
- Spam and junk filters: Spam and junk emails filter by Spam and junk filter. This feature of AOL email read the email and if found spam or junk send to spam mail.
- Users can send 25 MB attachment per email: This one is also a good feature which is liked by every user. Now users can send 25 MB file attachment per email.
- Compatible with all devices: AOL email is compatible with all devices either its Android or iOS or iPhone. Users can access their email from everywhere.
These were all about our features but we also have reported that AOL email users face some problem. If there is any technical problem our experts will help you. Just reached to AOL customer support and share what issues you are getting. It takes short of time for our professional team to shoot your problem. Our customer support services are available for 24×7.
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